A quote from Wikipedia:
"Due to the lack of resources in Japanese home islands, raw materials such
as iron, oil, and coal largely had to be imported. The success of Japan in
(1895) and Korea (1910) had brought Japan primarily agricultural colonies.
In terms of resources, the Japanese military looked towards
iron and coal,
rubber, and China's vast resources."
Japan had, and still has a high volume of people in a very small area. In
order to expand, and survive in an industrial world, she needed a strong
military. This she had. But famously as stated by the 19th century
Lord Dalberg-Acton, "Power tends to corrupt, and absolute

corrupts absolutely." Thus happened in Japan. The Military did not have to
answer to any civilian authority. So, there was nothing to keep them from
getting what they wanted. They actually were in control of many aspects of
civilian government, instead of it being the other way around. The
Depression, Japan's anger at the 5:5:3 rules stemming from the
Naval Treaty in 1921, and anger at the civilian government, as well as
the West, combined to form a belief among the citizenry that the country
would be run best by the military. After 1932, the Military Effectively
controlled the country.
In 1931, Japan invaded Manchuria, a country next to China, after a railroad
owned by Japan there was sabotaged by "Chinese Dissidents" who were most
likely disguised Japanese militarists. Japan's Military used this as an
excuse to invade Manchuria, despite the objections of her own government.
Japan won the war, gaining Manchuria and her resources. The Military now had
the support of the Japanese people. Over the next few years minor clashes
with China occurred, until in 1937, when Japan invaded China. There are many
historians who believe that World War 2 began not in 1939, but in 1937 with
this invasion. Japan occupied most of Pacific China until 1945.
What was the main reason for Japan to fight in World War 2?
After WW2 began in Europe, an embargo on shipments of things like oil and
steel was placed on Japan due to her alliance with the Axis powers. Japan,
desperately needing those things, and having wanted to conquer all of Asia,
joined the War. Since this website is not about the war, but on the reasons
go to
here to find
out about WW2.